Saturday, February 16, 2019

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries (TEVA) Q4 2018 Earnings Conference Call Transcript

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Teva Pharmaceutical Industries (NYSE:TEVA) Q4 2018 Earnings Conference CallFeb. 13, 2019 8:00 a.m. ET

Contents: Prepared Remarks Questions and Answers Call Participants Prepared Remarks:


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for standing by. Welcome to today's Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Limited fourth-quarter 2018 results conference call. [Operator instructions] I must remind you that this conference is being recorded today, Wednesday, the 13th of February 2019. And I would now like to hand the conference over to your first speaker today, Mr.

Kevin Mannix, senior vice president, investor relations. Please go ahead.

Kevin Mannix -- Senior Vice President, Investor Relations

Thank you, operator. Thank you, everyone, for joining us today to discuss Teva's fourth quarter and full-year 2018 financial results. We hope you've had an opportunity to review our earnings press release, which was issued earlier this morning. A copy of this press release as well as a copy of the slides being presented on this call can be found on our website at as well as through our Teva Investor Relations app.

Please note that the discussion on today's call includes certain non-GAAP measures as defined by the SEC. Management uses both GAAP financial measures and the disclosed non-GAAP financial measures internally to evaluate and manage the company's operations to better understand its business. Further, management believes the inclusion of non-GAAP financial measures provides meaningful supplementary information and facilitates analysis by investors in evaluating the company's financial performance, results of operations and trends. A reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP measures is available in our earnings release and in today's presentation.

To begin today's call, Kare Schultz, Teva's chief executive officer, will provide an overview of the 2018 performance, recent events and priorities going forward. Our Chief Financial Officer Mike McClellan, will follow-up by reviewing the fourth-quarter financial results in more detail, before providing an overview of Teva's 2019 financial outlook. Joining Kare and Mike on the call today is Brendan O'Grady, Teva's head of North America, Commercial, who will be available during the question-and-answer session that will follow the presentation. Please note that today's earnings call will run approximately one hour.

And with that, I'll now turn the call over to Kare. Kare, if you would, please.

Kare Schultz -- Chief Executive Officer

Welcome everybody, and thank you for listening in. In 2018, we did meet or exceed all the components of our 2018 financial guidance. This meant that our revenues came in at $18.9 billion, and we did see a stabilization of the quarterly sales between the third and the fourth quarter. Our non-GAAP EPS came out at $2.92 versus the original guidance, which was significantly lower.

The free cash flow also met the guidance and came in at $3.7 billion. And as you all know, it's important that we keep generating cash in order to serve the debt that is still significant. We deployed a new and unified and simplified organizational structure as a way to reduce the spend base and still keep a very efficient, commercial organization, manufacturing organization and R&D organization. We did see the reduction of the spend base of $2.2 billion in 2018.

And we also saw a reduction of the net debt by 14%, down to $27.1 billion. In the United States, we launched AJOVY. We had approval, we had launch, and we are seeing a very, very strong development in the marketplace that we are very satisfied with. We are also seeing continuous strong growth of AUSTEDO, a drop that's been used in Huntington's disease and tardive dyskinesia, and it continues to gain momentum quarter by quarter.

On COPAXONE, we did see a decline as expected, but we are maintaining a high volume share in the U.S. and European markets. And in the North American generic market, we did see revenue stabilizing, which is significant since we have had a significant decline in the overall North American generic market over the last five years. And we talked about this already after the third quarter that we were seeing a stabilization.

I mentioned it in January at JP Morgan, and I can confirm it again today that we are seeing stabilization in the total revenues at around the level of roughly USD 1 billion per quarter for our North American generic revenues. If we take a look at the spend base, then you probably all remember that a bit more than a year ago when we announced the restructuring plan, we made it very simplistic. We said what was the total spend we had in 2017, we are going to reduce that with $3 billion, and we will do it no matter what happens to exchange rates compared to all kind of details, to make it simple. Now we are well on the way to do that.

We had a gross reduction of $2.3 billion and then we had $0.1 billion of foreign exchange headwind. But as I said, no matter what the exchange rates are, we will meet the target and reduce the spend base in 2019 by $3 billion. This, of course, has not come by easy. I already mentioned the one set of plan where we're unifying all our different functions into a classical functional organization.

As a consequence of this, we've been able to reduce the total manning of the company by more than 10,000 employees since we started the restructuring plan. We've also been reducing the remanufacturing footprint. And in 2018, we have been closing seven manufacturing facilities and 11 more will be closed or divested in 2019. If we take a look at the net debt, there has been a couple significant movements.

First of all, as you probably remember, last spring, we did a new issuance. We used the proceeds from the new issuance and from our cash flow to pay down all term loans, meaning that we don't have any term loans, any bank loans right now. And we also moved some of the bonds into a longer maturity. The net effect of all of this was a reduction of the debt by $4.4 billion.

If we now turn to, you could say, the future growth drivers, then AJOVY is, of course, a key driver. As you all know, AJOVY is a drug in the new class of drugs that treat chronic migraine with fantastic clinical efficacy, basically reducing the number of migraine days on average by 50%, in some cases up 75% to 100% reduction of migraine days. So this is really a fantastic offering to patients. First time in 20 years that there is a real new therapy for migraine.

We are in this class together with two competitors, and we are very satisfied with the patient capture we see. We see that we roughly now capture around 30% of neutral brain patients, and we hope, of course, to be able to maintain this level going forward. A lot of new prescribers are coming every month, and we expect to grow the prescriber base on a steady basis over the coming years. So AJOVY is very important for our future growth, and we are very optimistic about the outlook.

Another strong driver is AUSTEDO. And as I said, it's having a high market share in Huntington's disease, in movement disorders in Huntington's, but it's also growing strongly in tardive dyskinesia. We have one competitor that's also in tardive dyskinesia and this is a new market where there's basically been really no therapy approved before AUSTEDO and the competing product. So here we are sort of opening up a new market.

And it's a big market, probably 0.5 million people in the U.S. suffer from tardive dyskinesia. So we do expect the patient numbers to keep on growing over many years, and as a consequence of this, we do expect, of course, also that the revenues of AUSTEDO will keep on growing. In '18, we exceeded the target we had of $200 million, and this is, of course, to keep growing going forward.

If we move to the drag we've had on our revenues for the last year. Then all of you know, that it's COPAXONE, that's the key drag and that the drag is coming due to the expiry of the patent and the fact that we have generic competition, both on the 20-milligram since a couple of years and now also on the 40-milligram. If you look at the TRx count, you will see that on a sort of moving annual total, we're probably losing around 20% of the scripts. And if you look at the revenue, you can then detect that we're probably losing on pricing something in the ballpark of 25%, altogether around 40% on an ongoing basis.

We expect this to continue at a similar level during 2019. And as a consequence of that we will, of course, have a reduction in revenue on COPAXONE. It's important to say that outside of the U.S., we have a more stable situation. We do have a modest decline in Europe, but it's a lot less than what we're seeing in the U.S.

And we're very happy to conclude that we still, at the end of the year, had something like 75% volume share. Of course, this will be somewhat reduced during '19 and again in '20. If we look at our focus areas, then a key focus is, of course, to secure the revenue generation. I just explained about AJOVY and AUSTEDO, and we have, of course, not removed the resources during the reorganization from those products, which is probably why they're doing so well in the marketplace.

It's also important to mention that we are also going to launch AJOVY in Europe, and that we are also working on broadening the geographical base for AUSTEDO. And I think, I'll just mention here, talking about Europe, that worth mentioning is where we've had a lot of headwinds in the U.S. in the last couple of years on COPAXONE and generics. Actually, Europe had its best year ever in terms of operating profit for Teva in 2018.

We're seeing a stabilization of the generic business, but of course, as always, it only stabilizes as long as you execute new launches that offset the price loss you have on old products, but that's what we're seeing right now and what we are striving to maintain. We continue to have a drag on revenue from COPAXONE and from the ProAir HFA franchise where we do see authorized generics being launched. On the expense side, we will have to keep on reducing our total spend. That's why we are having plans to meet the target of a $3 billion reduction versus 2017.

We continue to consolidate our manufacturing sites by closing and divesting some sites and moving production to other sites that continue to be in operation. We do have a lot of sites, and we also have sometimes challenges with GMP inspections and making sure that we have perfect compliance and quality, which is, of course, what we strive for. Right now, we have had an inspection last year in a site in Florida, Davie, where we recently got a warning letter, which was expected and we're working to rectify, and we don't see it having any short-term negative effect on our business. We are targeting investments in our pipeline, we are targeting investments in biopharmaceuticals and biosimilars, and we are constantly optimizing our portfolio of both generic and innovative development projects.

On the debt side, we are committed to utilizing our cash to pay down debt and to continue to do so over the coming years. We have $1.7 billion that's scheduled for repayment in 2019. And we will have no liquidity issues with paying down net debt as we will also not have in the coming years. So basically, we have a financial outlook that is completely in line with the overall plan that we created more than a year ago.

This is a trough year as we are being saying for -- yes, well, since the beginning of the plan. This is the year where we bottom out on revenue and operating profit. And in 2020, we expect to return to growth and continue to do so in the coming years, based on the launches of the new products. We have set out three long-term financial targets, and I like to explain just briefly why these are the most important targets for the successful financial performance of our company.

First of all, we need to generate a solid earnings on a long-term basis, and the only way to do that is to have strong operating income margin. Right now, we are below the 27%, but in the coming years, we will be improving it. It's a combination of improving, you could say, manufacturing cost for generics by optimizing our manufacturing base and getting the margin lift from launching new and innovative products that typically have a higher margin than generics. When we then generate the income, we need a high level of cash to earnings in order to have the cash to honor our debt.

That's why the cash to earnings need to be above 80%, which we will ensure in the coming years, and of course, one of the ways to ensure that is that you don't go out and buy a lot of stuff, a lot of things, a lot of companies. We'll be focused on optimizing our own business rather than adding new businesses to it. And as a consequence of these two targets, we will be able to reduce our net debt, and we do have a target here that we will have a net debt, which will be below three times EBITDA, and we expect to reach that within these three to five years. It goes without saying that we are committed to pay down the debt, and we do not have any plans to raise equity.

Now having talked about the financial targets, I will now hand over to our CFO, Mike McClellan.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Thank you, Kare. Good morning to everyone. I will now take you through the summary of the Q4, a brief snapshot on the 2018 results and then follow with our 2019 guidance and important assumptions there. We start with a review of our GAAP performance.

We posted a quarterly GAAP net loss of approximately $2.9 billion and a loss per share on a GAAP basis of $2.85 for the fourth-quarter 2018. As I'll detail in the following slides, the GAAP results were impacted mainly by impairment charges and recurring amortization. So if we turn to the next slide, you can see here our non-GAAP adjustments. In Q4, we saw a significant goodwill and intangible impairments of approximately $2.7 billion, mainly related to the international markets coming from a decline of value driven by currency declines as well as negative trends in Japan, Russia and Mexico.

Also, we see other impairments of approximately $1 billion. A large percentage of this is tied to also to Japan related to our Takayama plant and our long-listed products. We also have seen a revaluation of intangibles in international markets, U.S. and EU, primarily from the Actavis acquisition.

Restructuring charges of $46 million in the quarter were significantly lower than the first three quarters of 2018, as the majority of the actions have already been reported. So looking at our non-GAAP performance on Slide 15. Quarterly revenues were $4.6 billion, a decrease of 16% compared to Q4 2017. That decrease was mainly attributable to generic competition to COPAXONE in the U.S., declines in U.S.

generic products and business divestments of approximately $140 million, the majority of which pertain to the Women's Health and the remaining was a distribution business in Europe. This was partially offset by new launches in the U.S., mainly Generic Sensipar and Cialis as well as our brands AUSTEDO and our Anda business. Compared to Q4 2017, we experienced a negative FX impact of $100 million quarter-on-quarter. Net of the FX, revenues in Q4 2018 decreased 14%.

Gross margin was 51.1% compared to 50.9% in Q4 2017. The change in gross margin was driven by an increase in our European generics profitability, the discontinuation of our OTC JV with Procter & Gamble and higher contribution from new generic launches in North America. This was partially offset by the decline in share and profit of COPAXONE and various specialty products in the U.S. as well as the divestiture of our Women's Health business, which had a higher gross margin.

Operating profit declined 32% compared to Q4 2017. The decrease is mainly attributable to the decline in revenues and the loss of profit from divestitures and discontinued activities. We ended with a non-GAAP EPS of $0.53, which declined $0.41 from Q4 2017 due to the decrease in operating income, partially offset by a lower tax rate. We'll talk a bit more about the trends in revenue and cash flow later in the presentation.

So turning to Slide 16. As we guided in November, exchange rate movements continue to be a headwind on our revenues in the fourth quarter. We see that the exchange rate movements during the fourth quarter of 2018 had a negative impact of $100 million, while the impact on operating profits was much more modest. The main currencies relevant to our operations decreased and value against the U.S.

dollar were the euro, Argentinian peso, Turkish lira and Russian ruble. Turning to Slide 17. We'll take a look at some of the revenue trends that we've been seeing through the different segments in the last quarters. Our North American generic business had its strongest quarter of the year, supported by the launch of Generic Sensipar and the ongoing exclusive launch of generic Cialis.

COPAXONE saw its largest sequential quarterly drop as the pace of generic erosion picked up as well as the reserve taken for the 2019 pricing impacts on trade inventories. ProAir revenues in 2018 Q4 decreased by 21% compared to 2017, mainly due to the reserve taken in the fourth quarter for utilization shifts in usage and potential return risks, following generic competition to the short-acting beta antagonist class of drugs, including an approved generic version of Ventolin HFA, and we have launched our own ProAir authorized generic to select customers in January of 2019. QVAR in the U.S. dropped down to $9 million in the fourth quarter due to net pricing adjustments.

Revenues in Europe and in our International Markets were relatively flat compared to the third quarter of 2018. And I'll address both of these markets in a few minutes when I review our assumption for 2019. Turning to Slide 18. Free cash flow for the quarter was $522 million, a decrease of $181 million -- or $182 million versus Q3 2018, primarily due to lower net income, a higher level of legal settlements and AJOVY launch milestone payments.

For the full-year 2018, free cash flow was $3.7 billion, which benefited from $1 billion in onetime items in Q1, attributable to the working capital adjustment with Allergan and the legal settlement with Rimsa, which we've mentioned in the previous quarters. So if we turn to Slide 19, we will see the full-year 2018 performance as well as the guidance development for the year. Despite expected headwinds, we were able to exceed our initial guidance. Our business benefited especially from lower-than-expected erosion of COPAXONE as well as our continuing efforts to reduce expenses and tax rate favorability.

So turning to Slide 19. We will now present some of the main assumptions for our 2019 outlook, which can also be found in this morning's press release. The most notable assumption is our global COPAXONE revenues, which we expect to decline by approximately $900 million versus the full year of 2018, mainly in the U.S., but we're also seeing in Europe competition due to the introduction of competing products putting pressure on prices. A few slides ago, I spoke about ProAir and the drop we saw in the fourth quarter, we expect 2019 sales to be significantly below 2018 due to the introduction of generic albuterol products, somewhat offset by our own launch of an authorized generic version of ProAir.

We expect AJOVY to grow nicely in 2019 to approximately $150 million in sales based on the momentum we've seen since our initial launch last September. We also see AUSTEDO growing to approximately $250 million in sales in 2019. Turning to our generics businesses, we see a slight decline in North America due to erosion in volume declines, offset by our new launches. In Europe, we expect sales will be impacted by our continuing efforts to optimize our portfolio, the full-year effect of the OTC JV dissolution and continued currency headwinds.

In our international generics, we will see pressure on 2019 sales from the adverse impact in Japan due to the national health insurance price revision as well as from the continued erosion of long-listed products. These are products that have lost market exclusivity through the expiration of patent protection and data exclusivity periods. International Markets will also be continued to be impacted by currency headwinds. On Slide 21, we'll continue with our assumptions for 2019, including the impact of foreign exchange, which we expect to negatively impact sales, mainly in the EU and in International Markets by $300 million and operating profit by $100 million versus our 2018 full-year results.

And on this slide, I'd also like to highlight other income, which we expect to -- will significantly decline from the 2018 year total of approximately $200 million. So now turning to our financial outlook for 2019. Based on the assumptions I just reviewed, we expect total 2019 revenues to be between $17 billion and $17.4 billion. With the completion of our cost-reduction program, we expect non-GAAP operating income to be between $3.8 billion and $4.2 billion, while EBITDA is expected to be between $4.4 billion and $4.8 billion.

Using a share count of approximately 1.1 billion shares, we expect earnings per share to be in the range of $2.20 to $2.50. Lastly, 2019 free cash flow is expected to be in the range of $1.6 billion to $2 billion. This now concludes my presentation. We will now open up the call for questions and answers.

Operator, if you'd please ask the first question.

Questions and Answers:


Thank you. Our first question comes from the line of Jason Gerberry. Your line is open.

Jason Gerberry -- Bank of America Merrill Lynch -- Analyst

Hi, good morning and thank you for taking my questions. I guess, just first question on 2020. Can you talk a little bit about how you drive return to growth? There is still pretty fair amount of COPAXONE in the '19 number. So if you can just talk a little bit about how you see broader return to growth? And then secondly, just on QVAR, consensus for '19 is about $227 million, 4Q sales are analyzing at about $35 million.

So just can you provide a little bit of color on how you're thinking about QVAR in '19? Thanks.

Kare Schultz -- Chief Executive Officer

Yes. Thanks for those two questions. I'll address the 2020 and then Brendan will give you some color to -- what's been happening with QVAR. So you would say, if you oversimplify the situation, then you can say, as you mentioned, there is a drag on revenue or pressure on revenue from continued reduction in COPAXONE sales.

And let's just assume that they're dropping at around 45%, that means that the absolute drag per year goes down. So whereas we had a big drop this year, we will have a smaller drop in terms of absolute drop in the current year, and again, next year, it will be smaller again. Now that drop is being offset by the growth of new products, the growth of AUSTEDO, the growth of AJOVY and the growth in all of our business in terms of new generic launches. So if you look at that total balance, then it's pretty clear that this year, they're small, being lost on COPAXONE than is being gained on AUSTEDO and AJOVY and so on.

Whereas in 2020, we'll get to a balance where we believe that at the end of the year, we will see that we are significantly growing more than we are losing and that would lead to a marginal growth in revenue and operating profit in 2020. And then once you get into 2021, of course, the loss on COPAXONE is getting close to zero and that means we get the full benefit of the continued growth of AUSTEDO, AJOVY and other products worldwide. So that was on the 2020. On QVAR, Brendan, could you comment on what we've seen with QVAR and what we expect going forward?

Brendan O'Grady -- Head of North America, Commercial

Yes, sure. And good morning, Jason. So with QVAR, obviously, last year, we transitioned from the MDI product to the RediHaler product, and that transition occurred in the pipe during the first quarter. And it took a little bit longer for the MDI to lean through the system, and so you saw some prior period adjustments, which is why the net sales ticked down throughout the year.

In the fourth quarter, we got significant Medicaid claims that came in which further impacted the net sales, but we do see QVAR share returning to about 22%, which is a very good share for QVAR. And if we continue to hold that share throughout the year, you'll see QVAR in that range of $227 million or so as you had noted.

Kare Schultz -- Chief Executive Officer

Next question, please.


The next question comes from the line of David Maris. Please go ahead. Your line is open.

David Maris -- Wells Fargo -- Analyst

Good morning. Mike, maybe a broad question. When you look at the Street assumptions of, I don't know, $600 million or $800 million more in EBITDA for 2019 versus your current or your new guidance, where do you see the largest difference? And then separately, were there any expenses that were maybe worked up in 2018 other than maybe a little bit of AUSTEDO or AJOVY expenses that aren't being repeated? And what's the scale of the -- what were the scale of those expenses? Thanks.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Yes. So I'd take a little bit of a stab at where see differences versus the Street expectations. We did mention some of these headwinds in our presentation at JP Morgan. I think our COPAXONE is a little bit below what the expectations are.

Definitely ProAir, we saw in January that there was a launch of an authorized generic to one of our competitors, and we have to look at this class as being generically written for almost majority of the script. So that's causing a big change, and we see a significant decline coming there. I think we also see that we are going to meet the $3 billion cost-saving target, but I think some of the expectations we would go even a little bit further than that. And then, again, we don't have a repeat of this other income that was out there in 2018 and that's putting a little bit of a pressure.

So I think, those are the main things. And you combine that with the currency impact, we've seen that in the second half of 2018 and we see that continuing into '19 being a continued pressure and when we look at some of the external models, I don't think the same effect as come through as strong as we see it. So those are the main things. In terms of expenses, we did see a rather flat operating expenses, Q4 versus Q4.

But you have to remember that in Q4 of 2017 we actually had a period where we reversed the year-to-date bonuses as we did not pay '17 bonus in '18. So the Q4 last year was little a bit artificially deflated. We're still on a good path, but the majority of the actions have been taken out, and we will start to see the spend base in the second half of '19 start to stabilize with the first -- after the -- some decline in the first half. So those are the things that I see.

Any other points you want to ask we can take from there?

David Maris -- Wells Fargo -- Analyst

No. I think I guess, just as a follow-up on the pointed guidance. I've gotten a number of emails already that say, "OK, well, this just seems sandbagged." And so the stock is down 12% premarket. Just kind of your thoughts on guidance, conservatism, and how conservative do you think this is on the low end? What could go wrong that would get you to that low end?

Kare Schultz -- Chief Executive Officer

So in terms of the overall guidance, guidance in my mind needs to be realistic and conservative. It's not a sort of average gain where if you get it right every second time, then it's fine. So you can't come out with the guidance that you will meet 50-50. So you need to have some credibility and some assurance that you can meet your guidance.

And I think that's very important when we discuss it. It's also important that you are in a range of what can realistically happen and that you have a downward part of your guidance that covers if most things goes wrong. And you could say there's a lot of moving parts here, we just talked about some of them. You never know how fast the product goes generic.

We are assuming that COPAXONE stays on the current trend, it could go faster, it could go slower. You never know how fast you ramp up a product when you have two competitors, AJOVY could go better, AJOVY could go worse. So you have a lot of moving parts. And then when you give a guidance, you take a educated estimate of all these moving parts and you explain the assumptions you have, and then, of course, if someone's assumptions turn out to be worse or better, that affects the actual result, but that's why we explain the assumptions in our guidance.

Next question, please.


Thank you. The next question comes from the line of Louise Chen. Please go ahead.

Louise Chen -- Cantor Fitzgerald -- Analyst

Hi. Thanks for taking my questions here. Quite a few. My first question was that you noted 2019 as your trough year.

So how should we think about the upward inflection in 2019? Can you give us a sense of the magnitude even if it's just qualitative? And then the second thing is, what do you include in your guidance for 2019 in margins in the U.S. and outside the U.S. for generics? And then, just last year in terms of longer vision for Teva, is a brand of the generics, what are you focused on going forward after this trough period? Thank you.

Kare Schultz -- Chief Executive Officer

So I think, Mike, if you take the first question, and Brendan, take the second, and I'll take the last one.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Yes. So we do see 2019 as the trough at this point. We will see a return to revenue growth in 2020, and I would expect as well an operating profit growth. But we're probably talking single digits into 2020 and then starting to accelerate beyond there.

We still have potential drag in 2020 depending on how the BENDEKA situation in the U.S. turns out. So that's a little bit of a wild card in that. And then, of course, currencies could be positive or negative versus the 2019 depending on how the markets develop.

Brendan O'Grady -- Head of North America, Commercial

And so in regard to new generic launches for 2019, I think we see 2019 shaping up very well potentially. Of course, any new generic launches are a mix of legal, technical and regulatory success, but you never really know where that's going to play out, but we do have some significant launches planned for 2019. So I think that overall, we should see a fairly good year as far as new generic launches go.

Kare Schultz -- Chief Executive Officer

In longer-term as for 2019, our vision is to be and continue to be leaders in generics worldwide and to build a strong pipeline and have success in biopharmaceuticals, meaning in both biosimilars and innovative biologics. And you could say, if you want to look at what's then coming, then, of course, there is the rollout of AJOVY worldwide with the European launches coming out this year and rest of the world in the coming years. There is an exciting development project that we have together with Regeneron on pain therapy and if fasinumab turns out -- come out with good safety data and gets approved, then that's an exciting possibility to put people on a non-addicted pain therapy, which will be really, really good. And this is a product we will be together with Regeneron, then launching both in the U.S.

and worldwide. So there is a lot of exciting things happening. We have a broad pipeline also of biosimilars that we'll be launching in the coming years. So it will be in those areas of continued leadership in generics, both simple and complex generics and then biopharmaceuticals.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Yes. And to add to the 2019-2020 point, we would see the inflection actually starting in the back half of 2019 through the quarterly progression.

Louise Chen -- Cantor Fitzgerald -- Analyst

OK. Thank you.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Next question?


Thank you. The next question comes from the line of Greg Gilbert. Your line is open.

Greg Gilbert -- Deutsche Bank -- Analyst

Thanks. Two points of clarification on 2019 guidance on a couple potentially material items. One is, how are you treating the generic risk to TREANDA and whether and when that happens? And on the positive side, are you confident launching or you are assuming you are launching generic Forteo later in the year? And then, Kare, I certainly understand why you don't want the company to spend cash flow and operational time on large acquisitions. What about licensing deals or smaller bolt-ons that will help further your franchises, particularly on the branded side? Do you have flexibility to do that? And are you focused on that? Thank.

Kare Schultz -- Chief Executive Officer

OK. So I suggest that Mike, if you cover TREANDA, Brendan cover Forteo, and then I'll answer the last question.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Yes. So our guidance doesn't include a material impact from TREANDA generics because it's not likely they'll launch before the very late part of 2019. So there is just a minor impact. If we do see that the orphan drug exclusivity for BENDEKA keeps the TREANDA generics off the market, there could be a slight upside to what we put forward in 2019, but we don't expect it to be material.

That is actually being handled by our partner, Eagle, as it is their marketing authorization for BENDEKA from, and we're not directly involved in the legal discussion there.

Brendan O'Grady -- Head of North America, Commercial

In regards to Forteo, it is in the second half of the year as per our plan. If it continues to proceed as anticipated, we have it appropriately risk-adjusted in the new overall numbers, but it continues to move along.

Kare Schultz -- Chief Executive Officer

In terms of acquisitions, you're absolutely right, we have no plans of doing any significant acquisitions of any kind. We spend the money basically on reducing our debt. However, we do, of course, fill the pipeline on an ongoing basis, and of course, we are doing business development work in early in-licensing ensuring that we can get early ideas in that can support our biopharmaceutical pipeline going forward. And of course, we are also open to local deals on complex generics, all the opportunities that might arise that makes sense.

So it's not that we are not active in the business development area, it's just not big corporate deals, it's a specific product in-licensing, we're talking about.

Greg Gilbert -- Deutsche Bank -- Analyst

Thank you.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Next question.


The next question comes from the line of Chris Schott. Please go ahead. Your line is open.

Chris Schott -- J.P. Morgan -- Analyst

Great. Thanks very much. Just had a couple questions on AJOVY, if I could. I guess, the first was, can you just update us at this point on your expectations for gross to net for the drug? And how we should be thinking about the amount of free product that's been provided in the market? I'm just trying to get a better sense of how to ramp the 4Q sales we just saw relative to the 2019 outlook for that drug.

And then second question on the same topic, you've obviously seen a very strong uptake so far for the product. But can you just talk about the impacts that you see from being, I think, you're nonpreferred on two of the national formularies, how does that factor into how you're thinking of the competitive landscape for the product at this point? Thank you.

Brendan O'Grady -- Head of North America, Commercial

So just a little bit on the gross to net. So as AJOVY continues to evolve throughout the year and as we get to '19, one of the things that I think is important to keep in mind is that payer access is going to continue to be fluid. A lot of the discussions are still ongoing. There is payers that made decisions early in the fourth quarter of 2018.

They're going to look at it again in early 2019. I think you'll see some decisions that will change in mid-2019. So I don't think the payer landscape really solidifies until probably 2020. And of course, when you have three products like this that all have very similar efficacy, all launched at the same time, it makes for a rather aggressive payer environment.

So it will continue to be fluid. I think that we have discussions ongoing with many of the payers currently. I think that some of the announcements that have come out there are still discussions that are ongoing. We are not really excluded anywhere.

So this is all the balance and you need to balance the access with the appropriate amount of discount in gross to net. So I would say that as you look at AJOVY today, we have about 60% coverage in the commercial sector, which I think is fairly good. We continue to add plans throughout the first quarter. We've got some wins just recently.

And overall, I think that we'll have the appropriate access that we need to hit the number that we're looking to hit, which I think Mike communicated earlier, around $150 million.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Next question?


The next question comes from the line of Randall Stanicky. Your line is open.

Randall Stanicky -- RBC Capital Markets -- Analyst

Great. Thanks. Kare, are you guys still committed to net leverage below four times by the end of 2020? And the reason I ask is because wouldn't that imply a notable step up toward $5 billion in EBITDA, if that's the case. And then secondly, can you just comment on the U.S.

generic gross margin? How much of a step up or a ramp are we going to see from that, the pruning of $400 million in unprofitable revenue there? I would think, should add several hundred basis points to the U.S. gross margin. Can you just confirm if that's the case? Maybe give some directional color going forward. Thanks.

Kare Schultz -- Chief Executive Officer

So your first question, on the four times net debt-to-EBITDA at the end of 2020, you're absolutely right that it takes a bit of strong performance in 2020 to get to that at the end of 2020. So I won't be able to tell you firmly that we will for sure hit it exactly at the end of the fourth quarter of 2020. It could be that it's slightly later. What's most important is, of course, our long-term financial target, which is three times, so going below three times net debt-to-EBITDA, and we'll be progressing toward that over the next three to five years.

There'll be no change in our strategy. So the exact timing remains to be seen, but the key important driver is that we are driving toward the constant debt reduction over the coming years. When it comes to the gross margin, then you would say when you look at the total picture, which is, I guess, what you can see in the numbers, then we have a drag on the gross margin from COPAXONE sales being reduced. The fact that we are reducing the price and the volume of this high-margin product means that there is a negative effect on our gross margin.

We've seen a positive effect on our generics, which goes the other way, and we will continue to see a marginal positive effect on our U.S. generics margin in the coming years.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Yes. And if I could add to the debt question. First of all, we expect to pay down the $1.7 billion maturities in July through operating cash flow and cash on hand. We're not expecting to refinance.

And second, we are actively starting discussions with our core banking group to look at reshaping our revolving credit facility to get out in front of getting it to the 12-month window being current. So we're working on that, and we hope to conclude on that in early 2019.

Randall Stanicky -- RBC Capital Markets -- Analyst

OK, great. Thanks, guys.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Next question?


Thank you. The next question comes from the line of Vamil Divan. Your line is open.

Vamil Divan -- Credit Suisse -- Analyst

Great. Thanks so much for taking the question. Just maybe following up on the AJOVY commentary and questions. Just you mentioned Europe also is a target market here, and I know you saw some pushback from nice on Aimovig.

So just trying to think about what your expectations there are in terms of timing of launch and sort of the pace that we should expect there and also maybe net pricing as compared to what we're going to see in the U.S.? Thanks.

Kare Schultz -- Chief Executive Officer

Thank you for that question. We are, of course, expecting to have the final EU approval very soon. We have positive opinion. So that means within two months, we will have the actual EU approval.

And the way you launch in Europe is really market by market and that's because not because you don't have the approval, but because you need reimbursement and reimbursement is, of course, something you settle with the governments, the healthcare systems in each of the countries. So what you will expect is in the markets where it's relatively easy to launch at a good and reasonable and fair price compared to the value of the product, you will see early launches. So this year, for instance, countries like some of the Scandinavian markets, countries like Germany, you will see us launching the product. In other countries, it might take negotiations for one to two years before you end up seeing the launch.

If we look at our competitors, then you could say that we have a situation here where the European pricing looks to be very similar to U.S. pricing, so we might actually end up with a situation where the net price per patient is higher in Europe than in the U.S., which would be a first, I guess, but that's how it's looking right now and the unmet need in Europe is huge. But however, you see it, it's a slower ramp up due to the fact that you have these prolonged negotiations, especially in the Southern European countries, but also in U.K. where you have local organizations even that you get into negotiations with.

So we will expect a solid and positive uptake, but with a slower ramp up than you see in the U.S., but with a good and healthy operating margin on the business.

Vamil Divan -- Credit Suisse -- Analyst

Thank you.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Next question?


Thank you. The next question comes from the line of David Amsellem. Your line is open.

David Amsellem -- Piper Jaffray -- Analyst

Thanks. Just a couple. So first, can you talk about this product specifications. One is on EpiPen and on the generic and how are you thinking about the ramp of that product? And how the market dynamics for that product will play out? And also wanted to circle back to Forteo.

I know it's in the guidance and risk-adjusted, but I did want to get your thoughts on the potential for other entrants and how crowded that market will be? This is more of a 2020 question and beyond, but wanted to get your thoughts on the extent to which that's going to be a sustainable stream of cash flows? Thanks.

Brendan O'Grady -- Head of North America, Commercial

OK. So David, thank you for the question. So let me -- I'll address EpiPen first and then I'll come to Forteo. As far as EpiPen goes, of course, the market is still in an overall shortage of epinephrine, and we're continuing to manufacture and build more supply.

I think you'll see us coming to a more normal supply by the end of the first quarter, early second quarter. And of course, then we launch or we'll have EpiPen Jr late second quarter in the June time frame. So we continue to build supply. It's getting better.

And we have it out there and it's available. So it's available for customers that they need to order it. And we are making nice progress on EpiPen. As it -- and your question around Forteo, we'll have to wait and see, Forteo is not an easy product to make, and we'll see who are the competitors coming to the market in 2020.

But overall, we feel pretty good about Forteo, and we feel pretty good about the runway that we have with it.

David Amsellem -- Piper Jaffray -- Analyst

OK. And then if I may sneak in just another one. In terms of other key launches that you're willing to call out, are there any that we should think about that should be on our radar this year or early next year sort of limited competition or exclusivity opportunities? Thanks.

Brendan O'Grady -- Head of North America, Commercial

Yes. I mean, I think, you can think of couple other ones. I think that Restasis is hopefully a launch for us this year. We'll see where we go with the FDA.

We're awaiting with FDA action on that product. So that could be a nice product as well as the other one would be NuvaRing that we're looking at as well this year.

David Amsellem -- Piper Jaffray -- Analyst


Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

All right. Next question, please.


Thank you. The next question comes from the line of Ken Cacciatore. Your line is open.

Ken Cacciatore -- Cowen and Company -- Analyst

Great. Thank you. Just wanted to ask back again on the AJOVY and AUSTEDO where you seem to be doing really well and performing very strongly. Just specifically on AJOVY, it's our understanding in talking to some consultants that Aimovig may be suffering from a bit of higher constipation than they originally expected.

So just wanted to understand in the marketplace right now how much you're benefiting from that? How big of an issue you think it is or what are you hearing from your sales force as they continue to market AJOVY? And then on AUSTEDO, maybe if you could break down the percentage HD versus TD at this point? And any nuance you can give us on potential dosing advantage? What's going on in the TD marketplace? Again, you seem to be showing nice acceleration for that product as well. Thank you.

Kare Schultz -- Chief Executive Officer

Thanks for those questions, Ken. I'll give just an overall comment and then Brendan can give some more details. It's, of course, a well-known fact from the labeling and from the clinical trials that Aimovig has constipation as a safety issue and that's been documented. When it comes to anecdotal evidence, it's quite clear that it is, you could say, an unpleasant side effect on the type of side effects have.

And in a three-player game, where you have one product that has it and you have two projects that do not have it because they have a slight different mechanism of action, then long-term, I believe it will be a benefit for us that we don't have this negative side effect. It's difficult for us to comment on any specifics where you would -- because we don't have insight into the ongoing safety follow-up and database on that. But for sure, there is a product differentiation here, which we think will work to our benefit both in the U.S. and in the European market.

And then I also just like to say that on tardive dyskinesia, this is a brand-new marketplace and there has never been any drugs before to treat tardive dyskinesia. So it's a huge medical benefit that we are bringing to a lot of people, and I think it will be going for long time, but maybe Brendan, you can give some more details

Brendan O'Grady -- Head of North America, Commercial

Yes. So just a -- first a quick comment on AJOVY. So I think that everything that Kare said regarding AJOVY is, obviously, accurate. But the other part of it is that with three of these products launching in relative close proximity with Aimovig out first, I think when the other two were approved with AJOVY.

I think that practitioners and prescribers are going to look at some of the different products and going to use some of the different products to see how they actually result in the real world in patients and see if there are differences. We designed AJOVY or the launch of the AJOVY to make it really easy for physicians to use and access. So we put samples in the office. Of course, the prefilled syringe is a very simple way to inject the product.

So ultimately, we are very happy with the uptake there that we're seeing on AJOVY. And I think that our significant presence in the headache centers and with neurologists bodes well for our early success. So we're happy with where we are. We're going to continue the launch trajectory around AJOVY.

And we're very happy with what we're hearing back from physicians and patients regarding the overall effectiveness of the drug. As we talk about AUSTEDO, I'll just add that we launched AUSTEDO early first for Huntington's disease and then came in the market about six months later for tardive dyskinesia. And as Kare pointed out, that's a very underserved market and it's a very large market. So we're happy with the potential that we see for tardive dyskinesia.

We have significant sales force presence around that will continue to drive that indication in that market.

Ken Cacciatore -- Cowen and Company -- Analyst

Thank you.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Next question, please.


Thank you. The next question comes from the line of David Risinger. Your line is open.

David Risinger -- Morgan Stanley -- Analyst

Yes. Thanks very much. I have a couple questions. First, could you please comment on the international business outlook? It appears that the international business is performing worse than expected.

And I know that you have emphasized the U.S. stabilization, but I didn't hear you previously talk about international weakening. And then second, with respect to manufacturing, I think, Kare said that when you were -- when you had recently joined Teva, you said that if you started the company from scratch, you'd have 12 facilities globally. I think the company is targeting to be at about 65.

Could you help us understand why that won't go to 45? Thank you.

Kare Schultz -- Chief Executive Officer

Thanks for those two questions. If we take the international business first, then it's correct that we are some headwind right now, which is what we have been reporting and what we have also included in our guidance. And I would say -- I would call out two key things. One is the pricing reforms in Japan.

The pricing reforms in Japan had led to a bigger drop in the price on what's called long-listed products. So these are kind of branded generics, you could say. And there is a tradition of high use of those in Japan, and the authorities are pushing down pricing on these products more than they've been doing until recently. So that's a negative.

Then there is the whole currency element where you could say there's a lot of markets in the International Markets, which have had significant weakening of their currencies. Countries like, for instance, Turkey and many Latin American countries have seen a weakening of the currencies. So you could say, it's really not the underlying volume, it's really not the underlying demand in the market that's causing us problems, it's these specifics on pricing and currency that is the main driver. On the manufacturing side, you quoted me absolutely correctly.

And of course, one thing is how you doing a greenfield thing, a thing most companies do not have a manufacturing setup, that is the same as they would do if they could do it from scratch. And that's definitely not the case for us. And we did start -- or we didn't start, but when I joined the company, we had around 80 manufacturing facilities. And as I mentioned today, we have closed seven and we're about to close a dozen more.

So we'll probably get down to around 60 at the end of the restructuring. But that, of course, doesn't mean that we won't do anymore going forward. But it's very complex when you close down existing facilities because you have all the regulatory approvals, have all the validations, sometimes you have specific equipment. So it takes time, but we will, of course, continue to consolidate and improve efficiencies in our manufacturing for the next many, many years.

But you will not see the same dramatic reduction as you see in the restructuring period. You will see a more modest reduction in the number of manufacturing sites, and you will see us striving to improve the gross margin of our generics business on a constant basis.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Yes. Let me add one quick thing to the International Markets. There is about $50 million impact of divestments. We still had Women's Health sales in the first half of 2018, and we have divested recently the Teva adapter business, which was announced last week, that will be another about $30 million drag.

So overall, about $50 million is related to divestments of business.

David Risinger -- Morgan Stanley -- Analyst

Thank you.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Next question, please.


Thank you. The next question comes from the line of Ronny Gal. Your line is open.

Ronny Gal -- Bernstein -- Analyst

Good morning, everybody, and thank you for taking my questions. I have three, if I can sneak them in. First, we just finished analyzing the 2019 formulary covering -- coverage in multiple sclerosis, and it seems there has been quite a big shift starting 1Q '19 about access. Just so we are kind of ready for this volume versus share lot, it looks like you lost coverage in TRICARE, United and ESI.

Is this what you were saying? Is this actually the case here, we're seeing external is not always right? And if so, should we be just ready for a significant more volume loss in 2019? Second, we've heard that post ESI Cigna close, there has been a pretty sharp demand for concession from all biopharma on the branded side. Is this true? How does this impact your branded product trajectories? And does that also extends to your CVS close of Aetna? Essentially, are we seeing the consolidation on the insurance side coming in for further demand for especially older products in competitive markets? And third, more on the financial side, you're kind of guiding to like $1.8 billion in free cash flow in 2019. This is the, I guess, bucket from which you pay your debt down, and I'm kind of wondering is that number just giving how much it's lower than 2018 includes any assumptions about pay down of some sort of penalties or fines from some of the existing litigation? Or this is kind of like a pure business decline from which we have to start our 2020 projections?

Brendan O'Grady -- Head of North America, Commercial

So Ronny, I'll answer one and two and then I'll let Mike take number three. As far as overall COPAXONE formulary access, those are the things that we built into the plan this year, and I think you can see it in our numbers for COPAXONE we worked in. We anticipated TRICARE and both UnitedHealthcare. And I think that Express Scripts, which will bridge us to the next question, Express Scripts is always a little bit of a more of a tricky answer as it goes there.

So I would necessarily assume depending upon what you see in any particular formulary based on different agreements we have with numerous payers that just because you [indiscernible] in the formulary is actually how it is going to play out with the various covered life and any one particular PBM or payer. As a result to the -- as a response to your question with ESI and the meeting that they had, I wasn't there. I think that meeting occurred last week or the week before last where they brought manufactures down and kind of rolled out to then the new landscape with the ESI and Cigna merger or acquisition as to what their expectations are, but I do -- I have obviously heard, we're studying what they've communicated and what their asks are. I think this is pretty aggressive, and I think that potentially an overreach, there may be some CMS Medicare price implications to consider, and I think that there will be probably significant manufacturer push back from what I know of it.

But I need to study it a little bit more and given my team is fairly new, when we're going to see overall impact. So with that, I'll hand it over to Mike, and you can answer the cash flow.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Yes. So if we look at the difference between the $3.7 billion that we actually realized in 2018 and say that $1.8 billion midpoint of the guidance, about $1 billion came off from special items that I mentioned earlier the Allergan working capital and the Rimsa compensation. Net income is down roughly $600 million to $700 million, so that drags. We will see less restructuring cash out, but we will have bonus payments in 2019 for the 2018 year, which we did not in '18 for the '17 year.

But the thing that is probably abnormal if you're looking for forward cash generation is we do have a little bit of an overhang of all of the increase of rebates that have been happening in the second half of '18 will have a little bit of a drag on the net receivables in 2019. So we'll $300 million to $400 million cash drag that should dissipate over the first couple quarters in 2019. So that's where we get to the $1.8 billion, which I think that cash drag on the rebate payments is probably the difference between what you would expect in the external models.

Ronny Gal -- Bernstein -- Analyst

Great. Thank you.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Next question?


Thank you. The next question comes from the line of Liav Abraham. Your line is open.

Liav Abraham -- Citigroup

Good morning. Kare, could you update us on your thoughts on opportunities to rationalize the cost base beyond 2019? You talked a little bit earlier about some opportunities on the plant side. Anything else that you can comment on and can we expect that $3 billion number to potentially grow? And then secondly on AJOVY, apologizes if I missed this, but can you update us what percentage of scripts are being written for the once quarterly formulation? Thank you.

Kare Schultz -- Chief Executive Officer

Yes. So first, in terms of the spend base reduction, once we've completed the current restructuring, we will have it reduced by $3 billion. And of course, there are still opportunities. The majority of those will probably be on the gross margin.

The reason I'm saying so is that when I look at our R&D spend, our commercial spend, so -- sales promotion, so on, then we are actually very competitive when we look at the situation at the end of '19. So the majority comes from the cost of goods sold from the gross margin. We do have a very high level of cost of goods sold due to the fact that we have very, very high generic volumes. And as I said before, this is something we'll be working on long term.

There is no really quick fix to this because it's very technically complicated. We do serve 100, 200 million patients every day. We do make more than 30,000 different products on an ongoing basis. So it's a big parcel, but there is certainly possibilities to improve it.

Based on my previous experience and I won't say that we are having a firm number yet, we'll, of course, tell you about this a year from now. I would say that you can expect that you can improve the gross margin some 50 to 100 basis points per year, if you have a really good optimization program in place. When it comes to AJOVY and the quarterly dosing, we are seeing that roughly -- in any given week, roughly 10%, 11% of the scripts are for quarterly dosing. That basically means that 30% of the patients, if you look at it from the point of view, are on the quarterly dosing and the reason for the difference is, of course, that if you get a script for monthly dosing that counts as just one script.

If you get a script for the quarterly dosing, it counts as one script, but covers three months. So therefore, we have this thing we call normalized script numbers, normalized patient numbers, and in those numbers, you could say roughly 30% of the patients are on the quarterly dosing.

Liav Abraham -- Citigroup

Thank you.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Next question?


Thank you. The last question comes from the line of Esther Rajavelu. Your line is open.

Esther Rajavelu -- Deutsche Bank -- Analyst

Thank you for squeezing me in. I had one quick one on AUSTEDO. Can you help us understand the sequential change in AUSTEDO patient numbers versus reported revenues for the quarter? And then also you mentioned growth in OUS market for AUSTEDO, so if you can provide any specifics on what your plans are there, that would be helpful as well.

Kare Schultz -- Chief Executive Officer

Yes. So if you want to reconcile the actual growth in patient numbers with the actual revenues, then, of course, there's a little bit of uncertainty on the patient numbers. And when you look at the actual revenue, there's always the swings you would see in the pipeline in the sense that we ship products to wholesalers to specialty pharmacies, they ship it to patients and there can be some minor fluctuations there. If you sort of average it out and look at a longer time, then you see there is a very strong correlation between the growth in patient numbers, the growth in scripts and the growth in revenue.

And going forward, we do expect AUSTEDO to be growing strongly. You saw in our assumptions for 2019 that we are assuming sales around $350 million, up from the rough $200 million we did last year. So we expect AUSTEDO to keep on growing. And the reason why we are also optimistic about the long-term growth is that if you compare our actual patient numbers to the fact that more than 500,000 Americans suffer from tardive dyskinesia then that gives you a hint about the long-term potential of the product.

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Yes. When it comes to the ex U.S. markets, there is not going to be any material impact in the near term as we're still looking at the regulatory path to get the product on the market. So it's not something that really will have a big factoring in the AUSTEDO uptake in the coming years.

Esther Rajavelu -- Deutsche Bank -- Analyst

Got it. Thank you.

Kevin Mannix -- Senior Vice President, Investor Relations

All right. Thank you, everybody. I appreciate everybody participating in the call today. We'll be around today, tomorrow in the coming weeks to take any of your questions, and we look forward to seeing you in the future.

Thank you.


Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, a recording of this conference is available by dialing 0044-3-333-009-785, with the access code 1174907. [Operator signoff]

Duration: 68 minutes

Call Participants:

Kevin Mannix -- Senior Vice President, Investor Relations

Kare Schultz -- Chief Executive Officer

Mike McClellan -- Chief Financial Officer

Jason Gerberry -- Bank of America Merrill Lynch -- Analyst

Brendan O'Grady -- Head of North America, Commercial

David Maris -- Wells Fargo -- Analyst

Louise Chen -- Cantor Fitzgerald -- Analyst

Greg Gilbert -- Deutsche Bank -- Analyst

Chris Schott -- J.P. Morgan -- Analyst

Randall Stanicky -- RBC Capital Markets -- Analyst

Vamil Divan -- Credit Suisse -- Analyst

David Amsellem -- Piper Jaffray -- Analyst

Ken Cacciatore -- Cowen and Company -- Analyst

David Risinger -- Morgan Stanley -- Analyst

Ronny Gal -- Bernstein -- Analyst

Liav Abraham -- Citi -- Analyst

Esther Rajavelu -- Deutsche Bank -- Analyst

More TEVA analysis

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Thursday, February 14, 2019

7 Metrics Behind Chipotle's Soaring Stock Price

Fast-casual restaurant Chipotle Mexican Grill (NYSE:CMG) has seen some impressive momentum recently as its turnaround under new CEO Brian Niccol takes hold. Investors are thrilled. Shares have surged 135% over the past 12 months.

The strength of the company's business was reinforced earlier this month when the fresh Mexican food company announced its fourth-quarter and full-year results. The quarter capped off a strong year that featured comparable-restaurant sales growth, robust digital sales, and more.

Here's a look back at some of the areas of Chipotle's business that investors have been impressed with.

Chipotle burrito, chips, and guacamole

Image source: Chipotle Mexican Grill.

1. Revenue rose 8.7%

Chipotle's revenue rose 8.7% year over year in 2018. Highlighting the company's momentum, this was on top of strong, double-digit revenue growth in 2017; Chipotle's revenue rose 14.7% in 2017.

The company benefited from both comparable-restaurant sales growth and 83 new restaurants.

2. Comparable-restaurant sales increased 4%

Chipotle's comparable-restaurant sales were up 4% year over year -- despite a tough comparison of 6.4% growth in 2017. The key metric saw particular momentum in the final quarter of the year, with comparable-restaurant sales increasing 6.1% year over year.

3. Digital sales surged 42.4%

One area in which everything seems to be going right for Chipotle is the company's digital sales. Digital sales skyrocketed 42.4% year over year in 2018, with 65.6% year-over-year growth in the fourth quarter of the year.

For the full year, digital sales impressively surpassed half a billion dollars. This meant digital sales accounted for 10.9% of the company's total revenue in 2018.

4. Restaurant-level operating margin expanded to 18.7%

Leverage from sales growth at its restaurants meant the company's operating margin expanded from 16.9% in 2017 to 18.7% in 2018.

5. Adjusted earnings per share jumped 33%

Combining Chipotle's strong revenue growth and its widened operating margin, the fast-casual food company's adjusted earnings per share increased 33% year over year in 2018 to $9.06.

6. Chipotle bought back $161 million of its own stock

Another way Chipotle boosted shareholder value in 2018 was with its share buybacks. The company spent $161 million buying back its own stock during 2018, repurchasing shares at an average price of $370 -- significantly lower than the stock's current price of about $600.

7. Expect mid-single-digit comparable-restaurant sales growth in 2019

Looking to this year, management is confident it can keep up its strong momentum. Chipotle guided for comparable-restaurant sales to increase at a mid-single-digit percentage rate year over year in 2019.

To help drive its growth, management plans to invest more in digital sales and marketing and roll out a loyalty program nationwide.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Top buy and sell ideas by Ashwani Gujral, Sudarshan Sukhani, Mitessh Thakkar for short term

The Sensex on February 13 gave up early gains to end 119 points lower as investors booked profits in banking, auto, metal and pharma stocks in the last hour of trade while the Nifty ended tad below 10,800 levels.

The broader markets also closed the session lower with Nifty Midcap index falling 0.33 percent and Smallcap index losing 0.85 percent.

Among sectors, Nifty Auto and Metal indices slipped a percent each followed by Bank, FMCG and Pharma whereas IT outperformed to close 0.65 percent higher.

According to Pivot charts, the key support level is placed at 10,746.62, followed by 10,699.58. If the index starts moving upward, key resistance levels to watch out are 10,866.17 and then 10,938.68.

related news Podcast | Stock picks of the day: Nifty to find support at 10,700-10,750 amid volatility 3 Point Analysis | Motherson Sumi Q3 Results

The Nifty Bank index closed at 26,885.40, down 125.35 points on February 13. The important Pivot level, which will act as crucial support for the index, is placed at 26,780.30, followed by 26,675.20. On the upside, key resistance levels are placed at 27,049.25, followed by 27,213.10.

In an interview to CNBC-TV18, top market experts recommend which stocks to bet on for good returns:

Ashwani Gujral of

Sell Punjab National Bank with a stop loss of Rs 73, target of Rs 65

Sell Bharat Electronics Limited with a stop loss of Rs 76, target of Rs 70

Sell Ashok Leyland with a stop loss of Rs 81, target of Rs 74

Buy Tech Mahindra with a stop loss of Rs 800, target of Rs 835

Buy Hexaware Tech with a stop loss of Rs 360, target of Rs 376

Sudarshan Sukhani of

Sell Godrej Consumer with stop loss at Rs 690 and target of Rs 670

Sell BEML with stop loss at Rs 770 and target of Rs 745

Sell Apollo Tyres with stop loss at Rs 201 and target of Rs 196

Buy Tech Mahindra with stop loss at Rs 800 and target of Rs 820

Buy Interglobe Aviation with stop loss at Rs 1050 and target of Rs 1180

Mitessh Thakkar of

Sell BPCL with a stop loss of Rs 335 and target of Rs 318

Sell Colgate Palmolive with a stop loss of Rs 1267 and target of Rs 1215

Sell GAIL India with a stop loss of Rs 322 and target of Rs 301

Buy Hexaware Tech with a stop loss of Rs 362 and target of Rs 380

Disclaimer: The views and investment tips expressed by investment experts on are their own, and not that of the website or its management. advises users to check with certified experts before taking any investment decisions.​ First Published on Feb 14, 2019 08:19 am

Veeco Instruments Inc (VECO) Q4 2018 Earnings Conference Call Transcript

Veeco Instruments Inc  (NASDAQ:VECO)Q4 2018 Earnings Conference CallFeb. 11, 2019, 5:00 p.m. ET

Logo of jester cap with thought bubble.

Image source: The Motley Fool.

Contents: Prepared Remarks Questions and Answers Call Participants Prepared Remarks:


Good day everyone and welcome to the Veeco Instruments Q4 and Fiscal Year 2018 Earnings Conference Call. As a reminder, today's call is being recorded.

And at this time, I'd like to turn the floor over to Anthony Bencivenga, Investor Relations. Please go ahead.

Anthony Bencivenga -- Investor Relations

Thank you and good afternoon, everyone. Joining me on the call today are Bill Miller, Veeco's Chief Executive Officer; and Sam Maheshwari, our Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer. Today's earnings release is available on the Veeco website. Please note that we have prepared a slide presentation to accompany today's webcast. We encourage you to follow along with the slides on

This call is being recorded by Veeco Instruments and is copyrighted material. It cannot be recorded or rebroadcast without Veeco's expressed permission. Your participation implies consent to our recording to the extent that this call discusses expectations about market conditions, market acceptance and future sales of the Company's products, future disclosures, future earnings expectations, or otherwise make statements about the future, such statements are forward-looking and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the statements made.

These factors are discussed in the business description and Management's discussion and analysis sections of the Company's report on Form 10-K and annual report to shareholders and in our subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, current reports on Form 8-K and press releases. Veeco does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, including those made on this call to reflect future events or circumstances after the date of such statements.

During this call, management may address non-GAAP financial measures, information regarding such non-GAAP financial measures including reconciliation to GAAP measures of performance is available on our website.

With that, I will turn the call over to Bill, for his opening remarks.

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer

Thank you, Anthony. Good afternoon, everyone and thank you for joining the call. Veeco executed according to plan in Q4 and non-GAAP results were inline with guidance provided. Q4 bookings were $112 million in the quarter led by front-end semiconductor market and our backlog has grown to $288 million.

Revenue for the quarter was $99 million. We've been communicating for some time that the commodity portion of the LED business, which includes the sale of our MOCVD systems to the China LED market has been under pricing pressure and is becoming a smaller portion of our business. This trend continued in Q4. Non-GAAP gross margin was 36% and our non-GAAP operating income and non-GAAP EPS came in at a loss of $6.9 million and a loss of $0.16 respectively.

We ended the quarter with $261 million in cash and short-term investments. On our last earnings call, Sam indicated the possibility of a goodwill impairment charge in Q4. After performing the analysis, it became clear that charge was required. We recorded $123 million non-cash charge, which Sam will describe in more detail.

I would like to provide an update on the attack on our computer systems we announced on our last earnings call. Our internal investigation is largely complete. However, we're still cooperating with an ongoing law enforcement investigation. We learned that our systems have been compromised various times over a period of years. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the extent and impact of the compromise.

But I assure you, we take the security of our information relating to our employees, customers, and intellectual property seriously and we've taken steps and continue to work toward preventing a similar incident from occurring in the future. Lastly, although we meet our guidance as we've indicated in the past, we're reducing expenses and working toward growing our business by focusing on markets such as front-end semiconductor, compound semiconductor, and advanced packaging. I'll provide an update on our growth opportunities and Sam will provide more details on the financials. The first area, we see growth is EUV mask blanks using ion beam deposition. EUV Lithography is enabling advanced semiconductor nodes at 7-nanometer, 5-nanometer and beyond. Every EUV Lithography step requires a photomask and every photomask starts as a mask blank.

Our ion beam deposition technology which enables the production of lowest defect density EUV mask blanks is a critical element of the EUV infrastructure. Artificial intelligence and high performance computing are drivers of EUV adoption. As EUV is adopted for critical layers, the number of mask blanks required will increase. During Q4, we booked an additional EUV mask blank system and we expect another order in Q1. These are complex systems with nearly 12-month lead time and we will begin shipping our existing backlog starting Q2 this year.

The market opportunity is between $20 million and $50 million per year and Veeco is the leading provider of the specialized ion beam deposition technology. Laser annealing within the front-end semiconductor market is another area of growth. Our laser annealing technology serves a critical function in front-end semiconductor manufacturing and has been a process tool of record for manufacturing advanced logic devices from 40-nanometer down to 14-nanometer.

Concurrent with EUV adoption for leading edge nodes, we are experiencing strong demand from leading foundries for our annealing solutions.Our LSA backlog is the largest since the Ultratech acquisition. This may be an early signal for a potential inflection point in manufacturing the most advanced devices as manufacturers push device performance while facing geometry and physics limitations. Laser annealing is becoming a critical technology for the single-digit nodes driven by the demand from artificial intelligence, and high performance computing.

We've been working with foundries and IDMs for insertion in their leading edge nodes. You will recall during Q3, after an evaluation period, we received an order for a laser annealing system from a market leader for their upcoming node.

I'm pleased to announce that we received a follow on order for multiple systems. We believe this validates our laser annealing technology as well as its importance in enabling leading edge semiconductor manufacturing. This market is about $100 million annually.

The application of our MOCVD technology to the 3D Sensing VCSEL market is another exciting growth opportunity. A VCSEL or vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser is a complex semiconductor device used in optical and telecommunication.

Recently VCSELs enabled the facial recognition application to unlock your smartphone.

We expect VCSELs to proliferate into additional 3D Sensing applications, such as world-facing sensors and automotive LIDAR. VCSELs are compound semiconductors manufactured using MOCVD. Veeco has been a leader in MOCVD for many years.

Today, we have very little share of the -- this market, but we are enhancing our TurboDisc platform to produce high performance epitaxial VCSEL stacks. Excellent film performance coupled with Veeco's historic MOCVD TurboDisc advantages of productivity and cost of ownership will provide a compelling industry solution. Our superior performance and productivity is being validated by our customers and we are working closely with them to place beta tools. We believe this is a market opportunity of $100 million to $150 million per year. Our advanced packaging lithography is another source of growth. In addition to providing individual device performance, manufacturers seek to improve system performance by combining multiple chips in a single package. With megatrends such as artificial intelligence, mobile devices and autonomous vehicles, manufacturers are turning to techniques, such as fan-out wafer-level packaging and copper pillar applications to drive product performance. We have been a leader in advanced packaging lithography for several years and our systems are optimized for cost effective performance and automation. Early adopters of advanced packaging have been mobile phone manufacturers.

While this portion of the market has paused. We are seeing early adoption in DRAM applications, where we received a follow on order from a top tier DRAM manufacturer for our copper pillar application.

We believe, we have the technology and customer relationships to see growth in advanced packaging over the long term. We believe, this market is somewhere between $75 million and $100 million annually.

In summary, we are focused on three things in 2019. The first is innovation. We have a long history of helping our customers solve their toughest materials engineering challenges. We plan to continue this path by executing on our product road maps and releasing exciting new products and upgrades.

The second is to penetrate new markets and to accelerate our growth in EUV mask blanks using ion beam deposition, advanced front-end semiconductor with laser anneal, 3D Sensing VCSEL using MOCVD and advanced packaging lithography.

And lastly, we are not waiting exclusively for the growth to return to profitability.

As we have communicated, we initiated and are executing programs to reduce our operating expenses and improve our gross margins.

With that, I'll turn it over to Sam for further details on the financials.

Shubham Maheshwari -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer

Thanks, Bill and good afternoon, everyone. Today, I will be discussing our non-GAAP financial performance. You can find a detailed reconciliation between GAAP and non-GAAP results in the press release and on our website.

Q4 bookings were $112 million, bookings in LED lighting, display and compound semi market were 12% due to reduced levels of China LED business. Advanced packaging, MEMS and RF filters market made up 19% of overall booking. Scientific and industrial market continued to be strong and was 33% of our overall booking. Front-end semi market was solid at 36% of our bookings due to strong momentum in EUV and LSA products.

Now turning to Q4 revenue. Q4 revenue profile demonstrates reduced concentration in LED lighting, display and compound semi market driven by the anticipated reduction in commodity LED revenue. Scientific and industrial sales grew sharply and were 50% of overall revenue due to expansion by our data storage customers to increase aerial density and respond to the growth in cloud storage.

We have continued to make improvements to our front-end semi business and it contributed 22% of our Q4 revenue driven by LSA for foundry customers. Advanced packaging, MEMS and RF filter market was low at 14% of our revenue due to a continued slow smartphone business environment.

US was 41% of total Q4 sales, EMEA was 17%, rest of the world was 33% driven by front-end semi shipments to Taiwan and Korea.

Please note, China at 9% was low compared to previous quarters but indicative of our revenue profile going forward. Our backlog at the end of Q4 was $288 million.

Now turning to the P&L. We recorded a goodwill impairment charge in the forth quarter due to stock price decline during the forth quarter, our adjusted market cap was below book value of the equity, resulting in a goodwill impairment charge of $123 million.

I would remind you that this is a non-cash charge and does not impact our liquidity or operations in any way. Since this impairment is largely driven by the share price, we may be required to take additional impairment charges in the future if the stock trades below the December ending price on a sustained basis.

However, if the stock price goes up, goodwill is not written up and the impairment charges are not reversed. For the quarter, we met guidance for all the non-GAAP financial metrics, revenue for Q4 was $99 million and non-GAAP gross margin was 36%.

Gross margin was down sequentially from Q3 as volume impacted it negatively offset by product mix benefit.

Non-GAAP OpEx for Q4 was $42.6 million which included $0.7 million related to the cyber security intrusion. For sequential comparison, I want to remind you that Q3 had benefited by a one-time credit from reversing $2.2 million, accrued compensation charge.

Non-GAAP taxes for the quarter was a benefit of $0.8 million, non-GAAP EPS was a loss of $0.16 on a diluted share count of 47 million shares.

Let me now take a moment to cover some other full-year financial numbers. For fiscal 2018 and depreciation was $17.6 million, amortization was $32.4 million and equity comp expense was $16.1 million. Dilution rate from employee equity was less than 1% of outstanding shares. Cash interest expense on our debt was $9.7 million and cash taxes were $4.8 million. At year-end, we had federal NOLs of $281 million. During 2018, the total backlog cancellations were $6 million relating to orders that no longer met our bookings criteria. This was approximately 1% of total booking.Total capital expenditure for the year was $12.7 million.

Now moving to the balance sheet. Cash flow from operations in Q4 was $2 million and we ended the quarter with $261 million in cash and short-term investment. Out of this, $67 million of our cash was held offshore. Accounts receivable improved to $67 million and accounts payable reduced to $40 million due to lower purchases. Inventory remained elevated as we ramp EUV mask blank systems production, continue to invest in new products for MOCVD and continue to engage key customers with evaluation system. Long-term debt on the balance sheet was recorded at $287 million representing the carrying value of $345 million in convertible notes. There were no share repurchase in Q4. For the full year, we repurchased 950,000 shares or roughly 2% of market cap at an average price of $11.88 per share. I would like to take this opportunity to provide an adhoc view of our annual revenue to give you further visibility of our underlying businesses. 2018 revenue was made up of several revenue streams that we consider foundational. In addition to this foundational portion of our business, we are working on certain key growth initiatives that Bill already described. As we look at 2019, we expect the combination of foundational and growth businesses to grow while the commodity MOCVD business declined.

All in, we currently expect 2019 revenue to be higher than the current quarterly revenue run rate would suggest. The foundational business is comprised of our Global Services, wet etch and clean, data storage and optical coating businesses along with system sales to universities and research labs for various application. Our service business supports our installed base of thousands of systems with parts upgrades and service contract. This business grows as we ship more tools to the market. Our wet etch and clean systems are sold to a variety of end markets and due to this reason remains less cyclical. Our data storage business includes ion beam deposition and etch systems to manufacture thin-film and magnetic heads for the hard disk drive industry. With the current end market dynamics, we expect data storage to remain a healthy business for us. We also sell a variety of products like MBE and optical coating systems to research labs, universities and industrial applications worldwide, which are not tied to typical semiconductor cycles. Individually, these foundational businesses may fluctuate, but in aggregate, they are relatively stable year-to-year. These are profitable businesses and support our growth initiatives as we head into 2019.

Now turning to Q1 guidance. Q1 revenue is expected between $85 million and $105 million, non-GAAP gross margin is expected between 34% and 36%. Non-GAAP OpEx is expected to be approximately $41 million, non-GAAP operating loss is expected between $12 million and $3 million. GAAP EPS loss is expected between $0.59 and $0.39 per diluted share. Non-GAAP EPS loss is expected between $0.30 and $0.10 per diluted share. And now for some additional color beyond Q1. At this time, based on our backlog and current visibility, we see Q2 sales tracking slightly above Q1. We are on track to meet our target of $40 million of OpEx for Q2 2019. And with that, Bill and I will be happy to take your question.

Operator, please open the line.

Questions and Answers:


(Operator Instructions) And we'll take our first question from Patrick Ho with Stifel.

Patrick Ho -- Stifel -- Analyst

Thank you very much, Bill. First off, which -- the historical track record for Veeco on the MOCVD space has been quite successful, particularly on the blue LED side, where you came from a lower share position to become the leading player over time. Can you give little bit of color in terms of your technology differentiation, what you offer to customers on the power semiconductor in the VCSEL side of things that could potentially give a similar track record for this product based on a going forward basis?

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer

Sure, Patrick. Thanks for the call. So if you look back where we had been successful gaining share in the LED market against our competitor. We were able to gain share and win many production customers as volumes ramped because our fundamental technology, the TurboDisc technology can run campaigns in hundreds of runs, so it can run without interruption for a month or so, whereas the competition needs to stop and maintain their machine at a much higher frequency. Also our run-to-run variability is much better. And so in high volume mass production applications, our experience is that our customers prefer our architecture over the competitors. Some of the challenges that we have faced, why we have a low share of today is the uniformity of our films and composition of our films. And so, we started developing a product, about a year and a half ago to address those shortcomings. And last quarter, I mentioned that we were delayed about at least three months and I'm happy to report that actually we made some very good progress in our lab during this last quarter and we're sharing that data with all of the customers. They certainly seem very excited and want to pursue further discussions. So I think, once we have these technical issues behind us. I think the fundamental advantage of our product will come through over the fullness of time.

Patrick Ho -- Stifel -- Analyst

Great, that's helpful. And maybe as my follow-up question for Sam, obviously gross margins are impacted still today because of the lower revenue levels. As you look at the progression through 2019, I'm not asking for an exact forecast. What's going to be the biggest influence for gross margins? Is it just going to be the revenues ramping up again or is it the mix, as you look at the -- in terms (ph) of product mix and how the year progresses. Will that be a bigger influence?

Shubham Maheshwari -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer

Yes, actually -- actually, Patrick, all of these factors would play in. As such our structural efforts to improve gross margins are progressing very well. I will cover all the aspects and try to then provide little bit more color, which might be more pronounced -- which offset might be more pronounced. So first, we announced cost reduction initiatives last quarter and those initiatives are progressing well and the cost reduction initiative would be completed in Q1. So you would begin to see that benefit from Q2 onwards fully. And then secondly on the product mix side, we are already seeing the benefit from reduction in the commodity portion of our revenues. However, we expect mix driven benefit to accelerate further from Q2 onwards as we begin to ship EUV tools and certain other new products that we've been talking to you about.

And then the last aspect of gross margin as you know is the volume and of course as you correctly said, right now, due to these low revenue levels, our gross margins are getting impacted, but we are expecting to grow sequentially through the quarters here and expecting '19 to be higher than the current run rate of the current quarter. So that should also help overall from gross -- whatever gross margin as we go forward from here. I think in terms of all the three aspects. I would say product mix is the biggest aspect. We are seeing some benefit due to reduction of commodity revenues, as I said, but the positive mix benefit would be the strongest and it should play out much more strongly in the second half of this year. And then, I want to remind everybody outside of these structural changes to our gross margin. We do have customer concentration or product concentration and due to that reason, gross margin can always fluctuate from one quarter to another. But we are working from one quarter to another, but we are working on all the three structural elements of our gross margin due -- to improve it as we go through 2019 here.

Patrick Ho -- Stifel -- Analyst

Great and maybe as a final question for you, Sam. And as a follow-up to the gross margin question, I think you guys have done a really good job on the OpEx level and it continues to come down. However, given some of the business segments, particularly in the semiconductor side, whether it's advanced packaging or even on the front-end like LSA, they can have volatile trends. How quickly can you turn OpEx up when business trends turn favorable for those business segments?

Shubham Maheshwari -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer

I think, Patrick on -- as Bill mentioned, we are fully funding all the front-end semi product lines, and all the R&D efforts. In terms of our SG&A area to support front-end semi, I think we are also fully funding there. So overall, as these businesses pick up, at least at this time, I have not seen a demand from the business units to increase spending there. At the same time, I would say this to you that there are industry headwinds on front-end semi and our exposure to memory is very, very low. But our exposure is much more nuanced toward logic and foundry. And in case the industry headwinds go stronger, then I think, we have to go back and look at our OpEx again and we may need to reduce it if we are seeing stronger headwinds, but so far due to the logic and foundry nature and due to the growth that we are expecting, driven by the strong backlog that we are carrying, so we seem to be set very well right now.

I'm not looking at really increasing it a whole lot, a little bit might be needed as I said, as we -- as we ship these tools and meet the needs of our customers, but I do want to remind you that in case industry headwinds go stronger. Then we'll come back and look at our OpEx again and we may need to tweak it further, but that is not the scenario we are planning right now.

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer

So just to add one comment to Sam's point is this last round of OpEx reduction, we really worked on SG&A pretty hard and really left our R&D investment in place. And so I think -- I think we're trying to fund ourselves for success and, but if we do see these headwinds, we will take action.

Patrick Ho -- Stifel -- Analyst

Great, thanks a lot guys.

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer

Thanks, Patrick.


Moving on from Goldman Sachs. We have Brian Lee.

Brian Lee -- Goldman Sachs -- Analyst

Hey guys, thanks for taking the questions. Sam, just wanted to make sure I interpreted this correctly. I know you said, as you move through 2019, the current revenue run rates you're seeing aren't indicative of how you think the full year is going to pan out, i.e., revenue is going to end up being better than what your quarterly run rates are inferring. With relation to Patrick's question around gross margins were you inferring that 2019 gross margins will also be better than the margin -- gross margin levels you're currently tracking at was that the inference you're making?

Shubham Maheshwari -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer

Yes, I think that would be a natural outcome because we would be getting product mix benefit and we should -- we should also get further volume benefit and then cost reduction should be completed. So yes, 2019 gross margins for full year should be higher than the gross margins that current quarter we are guiding or suggesting.

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer


Brian Lee -- Goldman Sachs -- Analyst

Okay, so you're comping that against the 34% to 36% not the -- the 36% you just, you posted in Q4, I just want to be clear about that.

Shubham Maheshwari -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer


Brian Lee -- Goldman Sachs -- Analyst

Okay. And then maybe just as a follow-up to that question. I might have missed it in the prepared remarks, but you're essentially guiding to the same revenue outlook that you had for Q4 into Q1. But, gross margin guidance is down several hundred basis points. Could you walk us through what -- what's driving that?

Shubham Maheshwari -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer

Yes, so on the gross margin, the revenue levels are the same essentially what we guided in Q4 versus what we are guiding for Q1 and gross margin is about 100 percentage -- 100 basis points lower. You know what happen is nothing structural, everything is the same, except that we do have product concentration and customer concentration and due to this reason, gross margins can fluctuate from quarter to quarter and that these low revenue levels, what happens is any one product or any one customer concentration can impact the overall gross margin at the Company level, as you know, some of our tools are -- pricing is between high single-digit $7 million, $8 million, $9 million tools.

So they can move the gross margin for the entire Company for a given quarter. So that fluctuation is what is being reflected here in Q4, Q1 cadence, so to say but my comments in terms of gross margin improvement structurally still stay in place and we continue to expect to have gross margin improve -- improvement during the year. Did I answer your question, Brian? I hope I did.

Brian Lee -- Goldman Sachs -- Analyst

Yeah no -- that was crystal clear. Thank you. Maybe last one from me and I'll pass it on is the -- you did $99 million in revenues this quarter, cash flow was basically breakeven roughly, is that the way to think about breakeven going forward? The sort of $100 million revenue level is where your cash flow breakeven or do you have room or plan to move even lower than that?

Shubham Maheshwari -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer

Sure, I'll try to answer your question but try to answer your question a little bit differently. The way I look at the business right now, we are breakeven on a non-GAAP EPS basis at $110 million per quarter. Our cash is somewhat lumpy because it gets impacted by working capital, so due to AR collection or AP payments, et cetera, it can be somewhat volatile from quarter-to-quarter. So I would say, our breakeven is $110 million for non-GAAP EPS. We are guiding Q1 to have an operating income loss. So I am expecting -- expecting cash consumption during Q1, obviously with volume improvement and bottom line improvement. It should change during the year, but that's how I'm looking at it right now.

Brian Lee -- Goldman Sachs -- Analyst

Okay, all right, thanks guys.

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer

Thanks, Brian.

Shubham Maheshwari -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer



(Operator Instructions)

And moving on, we have Mark Miller from the Benchmark Company.

Mark Miller -- Benchmark Company -- Analyst

Thank you for the questions. Just was wondering, what gives you reason to be somewhat optimistic about data storage with Seagate and Western Digital certainly under some pressure in their market. Is these new process changes or they just constrained in capacity?

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer

Sure, sure, Mark. Great -- great question. What we're seeing certainly is obviously some softness overall from our customers there. But actually if you look even though drives are down actually heads per drive and heads overall are increasing. So that's a piece -- drive -- that's the piece that drives our business, it's really heads not drives. And the second element is we are very engaged with those customers on improving aerial density. And so we're working very closely with them to basically get more density out of each heads which requires different steps and flows and basically, it's a combination of technology changes in our side as well as an increase in the numbers of passes through our equipment and so.

So the combination of both is actually the answer to my -- to your question.

Shubham Maheshwari -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer

Mark, I would add there on a tactical basis, we do have a significant amount of backlog from that side of the business. So these products are sold with six months, to nine months to 10 months type of a lead-time, and we do have a good amount of backlog. So that also gives us confidence in terms of the growth potential.

Mark Miller -- Benchmark Company -- Analyst

Well, it looks like in for a long wait that hammer an EMER (ph) technologies starting to appear on the horizon. Are there any changes that could be opportunities for you as we go to these new head type designs?

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer

Yes, yes, there are. And so, some of -- some of what I -- my previous answer did center on those applications as well as the -- today's drives.

Mark Miller -- Benchmark Company -- Analyst

Sam, I just want to make sure, I understood something. You're projecting it -- it seems like for this quarter, an uptick in revenues per quarter. Are you driving the non-GAAP OpEx even though revenues are increasing (ph) down to $40 million as the year progresses or did I get that confused?

Shubham Maheshwari -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer

No, that is -- that is correct. We are driving non-GAAP OpEx to be $40 million by Q2 and that's what we're driving toward.

Mark Miller -- Benchmark Company -- Analyst

Oh, by Q2, OK? And even with higher revenues. All right. Well, thank thank you for the questions.

Shubham Maheshwari -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer

Thanks, Mark.

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer

Thanks, Mark.


Moving on from Northland, we Gus Richard.

Gus Richard -- Northland -- Analyst

Thanks for taking my question. On the MOCVD business, is it fair to say that all of that business now is RF and power?

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer

Hi Gus, how are you? Good question. We do -- yes, it's largely service RF, power, those type applications. We do have some amounts of commodity business, but it's pretty de- minimis.

Gus Richard -- Northland -- Analyst

Okay, got it. And then...

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer

We also by the way have red, orange, yellow applications as well. So just to be clear.

Gus Richard -- Northland -- Analyst

And when do you think, you might ship a beta tool for VCSEL?

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer

That's the million dollar question. So we're working very closely with all the key players. We're going through demos, we are building tools in inventory, in anticipation of selling them and we are working as a high priority to land those beta customers. So other than giving you a specific date, we don't have a beta agreement yet. And so I -- what I would think is going to be coming up. It's certainly one of the next steps after having an agreement would be shipping a tool.

Gus Richard -- Northland -- Analyst

Got it. And then on the advanced packaging in memory, is that high-end bandwidth memory?

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer

Yes it is. The -- it's a new application we recently -- recently won and then had some follow-on repeat orders as well.

Gus Richard -- Northland -- Analyst

And on the LSA, how many layers is that product used for in the advanced processes?

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer

At the moment, we are qualified for one. At the node, we are in with one customer, and we are working, we've been invited to the next node and obviously, our goal is to gain more applications, the next node, as well as we're working with other customers, doing some demo work to enter there, but we have one customer, one application at the moment.

Gus Richard -- Northland -- Analyst

Got it. And I guess the last one for me on the advanced packaging on mobile phone apps, processors on fan-out, is there still just one customer consuming that capacity or have other companies doing APs, started to adopt that process?

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer

Yes, so there is, if you're talking about, what I think you're talking about, yes, I think they have just one application. But certainly, we are seeing opportunities for advanced packaging in the OSATs. So we are selling to the largest OSAT. I think, we press release that as well. So I think, we're seeing both the foundries, and foundry is sitting kind of quiet, but the OSATs are doing some buying at the moment.

Gus Richard -- Northland -- Analyst

Got it. Thanks you so much.

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer

Thanks, Gus. I appreciate your question.


And ladies and gentlemen, looks like that does conclude our question-and-answer session for today. I'd like to turn the floor back to Bill Miller, for any additional or closing remarks.

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer

Thank you, operator. So thank you for joining our call today. I do look forward to updating you next quarter on our continued progress. Thank you for your time.


Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude our call for this afternoon. Once again, we thank you for joining us. You may now disconnect.

Duration: 39 minutes

Call participants:

Anthony Bencivenga -- Investor Relations

William J. Miller -- Chief Executive Officer

Shubham Maheshwari -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer

Patrick Ho -- Stifel -- Analyst

Brian Lee -- Goldman Sachs -- Analyst

Mark Miller -- Benchmark Company -- Analyst

Gus Richard -- Northland -- Analyst

More VECO analysis

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